Work, News and Events


NOV 2024

UN Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP 29)
Baku, Azerbaijan

Brazil G20 Summit
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

SEP 2024

UN Summit of the Future
New York City, USA

AUG 2024

African Conference on Debt and Development (AfCoDD III)
Dakar, Senegal

FEB 2024

African Union Summit
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

JAN 2024

19th Non-Aligned Movement and South Summit
Kampala, Uganda


OCT 2023

Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the World Bank Group (WBG) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Marrakech, Morocco


SEP 2022

Broadband Commission Working Group on AI Capacity Building

Chaired by Ms. Audrey Azoulay, Co-Vice Chair of the Broadband Commission and Director-General of UNESCO, and Broadband Commissioner Mr. Pekka Lundmark, President and CEO of Nokia, the Working Group’s 2022 AI and Digital Transformation Competencies for Civil Servants Framework was launched at the Annual Fall Meeting of the Broadband Commission in September 2022. It calls for civil servants worldwide to enhance their competencies to implement digital and AI transformation initiatives in the government and to create an enabling environment for digital transformation.

Apr 2022

UNCTAD eCommerce Week

Opening the Data of Money: Digital Cash as Digital Sovereignty

The challenges of digital-era governance require a new set of skills and competencies from civil servants, ICT ministries and digital units in government. From designing inclusive public policies to improving the quality of public services, emerging technologies like AI can be leveraged for people, peace, prosperity and planet — if civil services can create the enabling environment for it.

ITU World Summit on the Information Society Forum (WSIS)

The challenges of digital-era governance require a new set of skills and competencies from civil servants, ICT ministries and digital units in government. From designing inclusive public policies to improving the quality of public services, emerging technologies like AI can be leveraged for people, peace, prosperity and planet — if civil services can create the enabling environment for it.


Dec 2021

UN Internet Governance Forum (IGF)

A short lightning talk telling how we are solving knowledge gaps in an agile way and how it is resulting in effective and better policy and politics in the internet governance space.

    The event will be hybrid and help newcomers understand how Geneva is a place concentrating many possibilities for the internet community trying to shape internet-related issues. With experienced advocates and practitioners, it will unlock tactics for better advocacy and policy.

      We will discuss technology sovereignty and how to bring back public investment into infrastructure. Contrasting visions will be debated and a proactive blueprint will result from the debate.

      • Tierra Común
      • Antonio Martinez | Gobierno de Mexico
      • Francesca Bria | Italian Innovation Fund
      • Inter-American Development Bank