A borderless marketplace for policy experts


Global sovereign advisory in Geneva


Polylat is a decentralised, Global South-focused group of policy specialists.


Our network of experts and advisors provide international organisations and states with the emerging, specialised, technical knowledge missing from government and multilateralism, leading to more informed decision-making and effective public policy.


Polylat is constituted as a non-profit-making Association subject to the provisions of Articles 60 and following of the Swiss Civil Code.


We are not just another consulting firm


To minimise environmental impacts and delays related to in-person contact.

Local and Regional

We have members in 50 countries and counting.

Local Experience

Experts who speak your languages and know the local dynamics.


Next Generation

Our average age is 35. We understand the challenges ahead and have a stake in them.

Rapid Response

Committed to your needs and adapted to mobilising at short notice.


Personalised Service

Customised, not based on inappropriate, one-size-fits-all blueprints.